Self Publishing With Amazon KDP-Earn Passive Income On KDP

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Do you want to learn how to publish your books and earn passive income without depending on middlemen like the traditional publishing house?

Self Publishing has become one of the major routes most authors take today to share their art, when it comes to book publishing Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) has made it very seamless for anyone from anywhere in the world to publish their content and low content books and sell to the world

The opportunity in self publishing is not only for writers and authors, non-writers can also build a business self publishing business that earns passive income by self publishing low content books such as journals, puzzle, children drawing, etc

If writing isn’t your thing but you still want to publish content books and low content books, you can hire ghostwriters or use some simple and quick book writing hacks.

Self publishing is one of the top ways most people are earning passive income in the online space today

In this course, you will learn about the self publishing industry, the opportunities in it, how to self publishing your first book and marketing tips to promote your books as a self publishing author.

You will also learn some writing hack to help you craft your book outline, write the first draft, edit and format your book for publishing.

The curriculum of this course is divided into 5 major modules:

1. Self publishing Concepts

In this module, you will learn about what self publishing is all about and how to develop the right mindset to succeed in it as a business

2. Account Creation and Setup

In this Module, we covered how to create all the necessary online tools account you need to self-publish a book today

3. Research For Self Pubilishing

In this module, you will learn how to conduct research for your content and low-content book self publishing

4. How to Write Book Fast

In this module, you learn the different hacks and strategies for writing your content books, this is the same hack I use in

5. How to create Low Content books

In this module, you will learn how to create and format Low Content books such as journals, Puzzles, Children Drawing books and colouring books

6. Marketing your Books

In this module, you will learn different tools and strategies you can deploy to put your book in front of your buyers and readers

By the time you complete this course, you will have all the knowledge, insights, tools, and skills you need to build a self publishing business you can be proud of.

I can’t wait to start this journey of becoming a self published Author, an Indie Author


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What Will You Learn?

  • Understand what is self publishing and how Amazon KDP works
  • How to set up your self publishing tools account
  • How to research for besting selling books, categories and keyword to target your book for marketing
  • Discover different hacks to writing your book fast even if you don't know where to began
  • How design and format your books cover and interior both for eBooks and low content books
  • How to Self publish your books without a middleman
  • How to Market your book to have more visibility

Course Content

Getting Started
This section explained what the course is all about and how to get the best out of it.

  • Introduction
  • How to take this course

Module 1: Self Publishing Concepts
understand what self publishing is all about and what you need succeed as a self publisher

Module 2: Self Publishing Accounts Creation
In this section, you will learn how to create the major accounts you need to carry out self publishing activities

Module 3: Low & Medium Content Book Research
In this module you learn how to conduct low and medium content book research with on amazon and other platforms

Module 4: Low & Medium Content Book Creation
In this module you will learn how to create and upload low and medium content interior and cover

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